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We caught up with Wireless Social to find out more about the 'Track and Trace' programme that has been introduced since lockdown and how they have implemented the programme into their existing technology. 

Following the re-opening of the majority of the hospitality industry at the beginning of July, operators were eager to implement a simple way to collect guests’ contact details in line with the Government’s ‘Track and Trace’ programme.

Wireless Social, already the leading supplier of guest Wi-Fi to the hospitality industry, offered a solution to both existing and new customers, enabling Publicans and Restaurateurs to get their businesses up and running without having to worry about following the Government guidelines.

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As part of the Wi-Fi journey, guests are asked to register their name and phone number, which is then stored for 21 days and is only passed over to the NHS Test and Trace team if a case is reported within the venue.

The Track and Trace solution from Wireless Social is currently being used by over 70 well-known brands across the UK, including Oakman Inns, Corbin & King, Darwin & Wallace, Young & Co’s Brewery and Fuller Smith & Turner.

The Track and Trace solution is an add on to the existing Wireless Social technology, which enables operators to collect valuable guest data to better understand their customers, track visit frequency and dwell time. This insight can then be used as part of the brands marketing strategies, such as sending targeted personalised communications or identifying timeparts where it is busiest outside a venue and changing the outdoor promotional offerings as a result.

Although it is not compulsory to log onto the Wi-Fi when registering for Track and Trace, Wireless Social have reported that on average, there is a 79.4% increase in new users logging into the Wi-Fi with average marketing opt-in percentages rising 4% to 65.4%. This means the overall increase in marketable data available to brands using the Track & Trace solution is 90.63%.

To learn more about Wireless Social you can visit their website here

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