Chief Executive Officer at Hospitality Managers Network NI, Jonjo Power is also the founder of Reserve to Serve (R2S) - An innovative app within the hospitality industry which eliminates no shows, guarantees revenue, has an in-built track and trace device and helps manage capacity and staff.

  • What is the best thing about your current job?

I love Hospitality. Hospitality Managers Network is my focus now and developing it as a force for good.

  • What was your first job in the hospitality/foodservice industry?

I’ve always worked in Hospitality. My first job that I actually remember getting paid for was sorting out the empties for my dad in The Royal Oak in Portadown (I got enough to get me to the pool, a bag of chips and a Shoot every Saturday - it seems like a lifetime ago).

Best job was on the door at Stringfellows looking big and scary, with Peter Stringfellow two feet from me kissing supermodels and popping champagne.

  • Who has been your biggest influence during your career?

My Grandfather, Joe McAlinden, who owned The Washington, my dad Leo and my brother Damian. All honest and hardworking as well as deadly partners on the golf course.

  • What key piece of advice would you give the future generation of hospitality professionals?

If you don’t wake up with a smile on your face every morning you are either doing something wrong or its not for you.

  • What is your favourite restaurant or type of food?

I’m a steak man. My favourite place to eat is The Custom’s House in Belcoo. I’m always with good friends and what a spot to stay.

  • What is your favourite dish?

I’m not that hard to please. I’ll always try a special if I’m out for lunch, or if I’m beside the coast I’ll order the catch of the day. Otherwise, steak and onion rings, chips or champ whichever looks best.

  • What is your favourite drink?

I will always try the local brew. I love the new beers that are about all over this country.

  • Who are you looking forward most to see or meet at IFEX 22?

EVERYONE. IFEX is an institution in my mind, and I’ve never had a bad day out at any of the previous shows. To be asked to be an IFEX Ambassador is a privilege as IFEX brings the best of what is on this island to Belfast.

Even just to walk about this show gives you a good feeling and knowing that every other person at this show is there for the same reason as you, Hospitality.

I’m 5th generation Hospitality so it’s in the blood!